246 research outputs found

    Hardware-Based Particle Filter with Evolutionary Resampling Stage

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    Autonomous systems require, in most of the cases, reasoning and decision-making capabilities. Moreover, the decision process has to occur in real time. Real-time computing means that every situation or event has to have an answer before a temporal deadline. In complex applications, these deadlines are usually in the order of milliseconds or even microseconds if the application is very demanding. In order to comply with these timing requirements, computing tasks have to be performed as fast as possible. The problem arises when computations are no longer simple, but very time-consuming operations. A good example can be found in autonomous navigation systems with visual-tracking submodules where Kalman filtering is the most extended solution. However, in recent years, some interesting new approaches have been developed. Particle filtering, given its more general problem-solving features, has reached an important position in the field. The aim of this thesis is to design, implement and validate a hardware platform that constitutes itself an embedded intelligent system. The proposed system would combine particle filtering and evolutionary computation algorithms to generate intelligent behavior. Traditional approaches to particle filtering or evolutionary computation have been developed in software platforms, including parallel capabilities to some extent. In this work, an additional goal is fully exploiting hardware implementation advantages. By using the computational resources available in a FPGA device, better performance results in terms of computation time are expected. These hardware resources will be in charge of extensive repetitive computations. With this hardware-based implementation, real-time features are also expected

    Design of OpenCL-compatible multithreaded hardware accelerators with dynamic support for embedded FPGAs

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    ARTICo3 is an architecture that permits to dynamically set an arbitrary number of reconfigurable hardware accelerators, each containing a given number of threads fixed at design time according to High Level Synthesis constraints. However, the replication of these modules can be decided at runtime to accelerate kernels by increasing the overall number of threads, add modular redundancy to increase fault tolerance, or any combination of the previous. An execution scheduler is used at kernel invocation to deliver the appropriate data transfers, optimizing memory transactions, and sequencing or parallelizing execution according to the configuration specified by the resource manager of the architecture. The model of computation is compatible with the OpenCL kernel execution model, and memory transfers and architecture are arranged to match the same optimization criteria as for kernel execution in GPU architectures but, differently to other approaches, with dynamic hardware execution support. In this paper, a novel design methodology for multithreaded hardware accelerators is presented. The proposed framework provides OpenCL compatibility by implementing a memory model based on shared memory between host and compute device, which removes the overhead imposed by data transferences at global memory level, and local memories inside each accelerator, i.e. compute unit, which are connected to global memory through optimized DMA links. These local memories provide unified access, i.e. a continuous memory map, from the host side, but are divided in a configurable number of independent banks (to increase available ports) from the processing elements side to fully exploit data-level parallelism. Experimental results show OpenCL model compliance using multithreaded hardware accelerators and enhanced dynamic adaptation capabilities

    A Theoretical Study of the Hydrodynamic Performance of an Asymmetric Fixed-Detached OWC Device

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    The chamber configuration of an asymmetric, fixed-detached Oscillating Water Column (OWC) device was investigated theoretically to analyze its effects on hydrodynamic performance. Two-dimensional linear wave theory was used, and the solutions for the associated radiation and scattering boundary value problems (BVPs) were derived through the matched eigenfunction expansion method (EEM) and the boundary element method (BEM). The results for the hydrodynamic efficiency and other important hydrodynamic properties were computed and analyzed for various cases. Parameters, such as the length of the chamber and the thickness and submergence of the rear and front walls, were varied. The effects on device performance of adding a step under the OWC chamber and reflecting wall in the downstream region were also investigated. A good agreement between the analytical and numerical results was found. Thinner walls and low submergence of the chamber were seen to increase the efficiency bandwidth. The inclusion of a step slightly reduced the frequency at which resonance occurs, and when a downstream reflecting wall is included, the hydrodynamic efficiency is noticeably reduced at low frequencies due to the near trapped waves in the gap between the OWC device and the rigid vertical wall.The current investigation was developed under the framework of the Basque Government (IT1314-19 research group). The authors additionally thank the funding provided by CEMIE-Océano (Mexican Centre for Innovation in Ocean Energy). Project FSE-2014-06-249795 financed by CONACYT-SENER Sustentabilidad Energética

    Plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa de capacitación en automatización de procesos productivos con neumática en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C.

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    El proyecto estará basado en la capacitación de personal interesado en temas de automatización neumática para ayudar así a las empresas a cumplir con estándares de calidad y actualizar los conocimientos de sus empleados. Con esto las empresas podrán ahorrar en gastos que incurren por el cambio de maquinaria o elementos neumáticos que tienen que ser cambiados por mal uso, viendo así representada su inversión.Administrador (a) de EmpresasPregrad

    Efectos de una propuesta metodológica para mejorar el estilo de vida en los estudiantes del curso 505 del Colegio Nacional Nicolás Esguerra J.N.

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    En innumerables ocasiones se han realizado análisis de los beneficios que trae consigo la realización de algún tipo de actividad física y de los peligros derivados que presenta un estilo de vida insalubre, a pesar del alarmante incremento en la prevalencia del sedentarismo, parece que no se termina de ser consciente de la inminente necesidad de crear políticas poblacionales y maniobras efectivas encaminadas a la promoción de la actividad física y a la disposición de prevenir estilos de vida sedentarios. Por lo tanto resulta indispensable que las instituciones educativas no sean ajenas a esta problemática y que dentro de sus propósitos este presente el fomento de prácticas encaminadas al cuidado de la salud destacando sus múltiples beneficios particulares y sociales. Dentro de lo que se considera como estilo de vida resaltan conceptos tales como hábitos de alimentación, tipos de actividad física, consumo de alcohol, tabaco, sustancias psicoactivas, sedentarismo, entre otras conductas y comportamientos, los cuales hacen parte primordial del estado vital del individuo, por lo tanto conforme se manejen cada uno de estos componentes definirá si el sujeto es propenso a poner en peligro su estado de salubridad o por el contrario si contribuye a mantener un estilo de vida beneficioso para la salud del individuo. Para ello es de suma importancia indagar e intervenir ante el estilo de vida de quienes por el momento están bajo la instrucción del ente educativo, bajo esta premisa y como respuesta a este problema social al cual se enfrenta la diariamente gran parte de la población mundial, la Educación física debe primar por dar soluciones educativas, puestas al cuidado del cuerpo, de la salud y de una mejor utilización del tiempo libre

    ‘‘Estudio de pre factibilidad del sistema de alcantarillado sanitario y planta de tratamiento, en la cabecera parroquial de Cacha del cantón Riobamba provincia de Chimborazo”

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    Las aguas residuales que se generan en las viviendas deben ser recolectadas y tratadas, para evitar problemas de insalubridad y contaminación ambiental. Es por este motivo que se planteó dar una solución a la problemática de la comunidad Cacha Machángara ya que actualmente se presenta problemas de saturación del sistema (fosas sépticas), generando malos olores, contaminación de suelos que ponen en duda la efectividad de solución del sistema. Por ello, el presente trabajo técnico de titulación tiene como propósito fundamental realizar los estudios de Alcantarillado Sanitario y Planta de tratamiento, tomando en consideración las normativas técnicas. Los colectores se diseñaron con el diámetro mínimo de 200mm con tubería corrugada PVC con una longitud total de 2418.46m; los pozos de revisión tienen una separación máxima entre ellos de 100m con un total de 34 pozos cuya profundidad va de 1.20m a 5.0m. La planta de tratamiento consta de una cámara de rejas con desarenador para evitar que los objetos de gran tamaño impidan su funcionamiento; el tanque Imhoff con el lecho de secado forma parte del tratamiento primario con la finalidad de eliminar solidos en suspensión; el filtro percolador, el sedimentador secundario y el tanque de desinfección forman parte del tratamiento secundario con la ayuda de microorganismos transforman nuevas células biodegradables. Para evitar daños al medio ambiente, se realizó el estudio de impacto ambiental de la zona durante las etapas de ejecución del proyecto. Así mismo se determinó mediante el análisis de precios unitario el presupuesto referencial del proyecto con un monto de 156.315,81.FinalmenteserealizoˊelanaˊlisisfinancieroconunarentabilidadCosto/Beneficiode156.315,81. Finalmente se realizó el análisis financiero con una rentabilidad Costo/Beneficio de 1.32, siendo el proyecto rentable desde el criterio económico y funcional del sistema.The wastewater generated in homes must be collected and treated, to avoid problems of unsanitary conditions and environmental contamination. It is for this reason that it was proposed to provide a solution to the problem of the Cacha Machángara community since currently there are problems of saturation of the system (septic tanks), generating bad odors, soil contamination that put in doubt the effectiveness of the system solution. For this reason, the main purpose of this technical qualification work is to carry out the studies of Sanitary Sewerage and Treatment Plant, taking into consideration the technical regulations. The collectors were designed with a minimum diameter of 200mm with PVC corrugated pipe with a total length of 2418.46m; The revision wells have a maximum separation between them of 100m with a total of 34 wells ranging in depth from 1.20m to 5.0m. The treatment plant consists of a grating chamber with a sand trap to prevent large objects from preventing its operation; the Imhoff tank with the drying bed is part of the primary treatment in order to eliminate suspended solids; the trickling filter, the secondary settler and the disinfection tank are part of the secondary treatment with the help of microorganisms transform new biodegradable cells. To avoid damage to the environment, the environmental impact study of the area was carried out during the project execution stages. Likewise, the project's referential budget was determined through the unit price analysis with an amount of 156,315.81.Finally,thefinancialanalysiswascarriedoutwithaCost/Benefitprofitabilityof 156,315.81. Finally, the financial analysis was carried out with a Cost / Benefit profitability of 1.32, the project being viable from the economic and functional point of view of the system

    The Influence of the Chamber Configuration on the Hydrodynamic Efficiency of Oscillating Water Column Devices

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    Based on the two-dimensional linear wave theory, the effects of the front wall thickness and the bottom profile of an Oscillating Water Column (OWC) device on its efficiency were analyzed. Using the potential flow approach, the solution of the associated boundary value problem was obtained via the boundary element method (BEM). Numerical results for several physical parameters and configurations were obtained. The effects of the front wall thickness on the efficiency are discussed in detail, then, various configurations of the chamber bottom are presented. A wider efficiency band was obtained with a thinner front wall. In a real scenario having a thinner front wall means that such a structure could have less capacity to withstand the impact of storm waves. Applying the model for the case of the Mutriku Wave Energy Plant (MWEP), findings showed that the proposed bottom profiles alter the efficiency curve slightly; higher periods of the incoming water waves were found. This could increase the efficiency of the device in the long-wave regime. Finally, the numerical results were compared with those available in the literature, and were found to be in good agreement.The present research has been developed under the framework of CEMIE-Océano (Mexican Centre for Innovation in Ocean Energy). Project FSE-2014-06-249795 financed by CONACYT-SENER- Sustentabilidad Energética. In addition, the authors would like also to express their gratitude for the funding provided by the UPV/EHU [PPGA20/26 research group] and the Basque Government (IT1314-19 research group)

    Patrones de comportamiento de la malaria en el departamento de Risaralda, Colombia, 2007-2009

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    Introducción: La malaria es la enfermedad parasitaria de mayor morbimortalidad en Latinoamérica, especialmente en países de la cuenca amazónica, incluido Colombia. Risaralda, uno de sus departamentos con baja carga, requiere vigilancia y evaluación periódicas con el fin de contribuir a mayor control. Materiales y métodos: Estudio epidemiológico de evaluación de incidencia, etiología, distribución geográfica y mortalidad por malaria en el período 2007-2009, en Risaralda, Colombia. Resultados: Durante el período se registraron 2640 casos (promedio 880±290/año). La incidencia osciló entre 60,01 (2008) a 122,87 (2011) casos/100.000 hab (IPA, 0,6-1,23 casos/1.000 hab). Del total de casos, 93,4% correspondieron a P. vivax, 3,7% a P. falciparum y 2,9% a P. vivax/P. falciparum, siendo 68,9% de los casos del municipio Pueblo Rico, 14,0% Mistrató y 3,1% Pereira, adicionalmente 13% fueron importados de otros departamentos. La mortalidad fue constante, 0,1 muertes/100.000 hab/año. Discusión: La carga de la malaria en Risaralda se explica en parte por las condiciones sociales de los municipios así como ambientales, los cuales se han visto reflejados en ésta y otras enfermedades transmitidas por vectores en Colombia, Latinoamérica y el Mundo. Por ello deben hacerse mayores esfuerzos en investigación operativa que permitan profundizar actividades orientadas al mayor control y reducción de la enfermedad en el departamento.http://revistas.utp.edu.co/index.php/revistamedic